
the latest version of this patch is here:


On 2/3/20 11:29 PM, Bernd Edlinger wrote:
> On 2/3/20 10:05 PM, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 03, 2020 at 08:16:52PM +0000, Bernd Edlinger wrote:
>>> So gnome terminal is a problem, since it depend heavily on the software
>>> version, VTE library, and gnome-terminal.
>>> Sometimes URLs are functional, sometimes competely buggy.
>>> But, wait a moment, here is the deal:
>>> I can detect old gnome terminals,
>>> they have COLORTERM=gnome-terminal (and produce garbage)
>>> but new gnome terminal with true URL-support have
>>> COLORTERM=truecolor
>>> So how about adding that to the detection logic ?
>> It works on at least one of my older setups, too (will have to check
>> the rest when I have time, unfortunately the weekend is just past).
> Cool.
> so here is the next version, which removes tmux, and adds
> detection of old gnome-terminal, and linux console sessions,
> while also attempting to work with ssh sessions, where we
> do we have a bit less reliable information, but I would
> think that is still an improvement.  I'd let TERM_URLS and
> GCC_URLS override the last two exceptions, as TERM=xterm
> can also mean, really xterm, but while that one does not
> print garbage, it does not handle the URLs either.
> How do you like it this way?
> Is it OK for trunk?
> Thanks
> Bernd.

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