On 12/12/2011, Paolo Carlini wrote:
> On 12/11/2011 04:05 PM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
>> ping
> In my opinion __is_final would be definitely useful in general, for 4.8,
> and 4.7 too, if isn't too late.

As we've got the final keyword in 4.7 I think we really want
__is_final in the front end too.

> As regards the wider issue which is being discussed on the reflector -
> beware, I didn't follow all the messages - 'final' disabling a nice
> optimization like EBO makes me very nervous. Really, doesn't seem part
> of the intended general philosophy in this area. There must be a way to
> overcome the annoyance. Last resort, if suggestions like having 'final'
> not forbidding private derivation cannot go through, we could imagine a
> GCC attribute reverting the effect of 'final' for people (library
> writers ;) knowing what they are doing. I don't know.

I think being able to detect a final class is good enough for now,
until we find out if there are real problems being encountered as
people make more use of C++11.

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