On the way remove a note about binary snapshots that's been commented
for a while.


 htdocs/snapshots.html | 14 ++++----------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/htdocs/snapshots.html b/htdocs/snapshots.html
index 6567a857..7776d95e 100644
--- a/htdocs/snapshots.html
+++ b/htdocs/snapshots.html
@@ -37,17 +37,11 @@ files so that autoconf et al aren't needed.</p>
 The release script generates the file 
 <code>sha512.sum</code> that provides a 512-bit checksum for the tarball
 and other files in the snapshot directory.&nbsp; Use the following command
-to verify the sources:<br />
-<code>sha512sum --check --ignore-missing sha512.sum</code></p>
+to verify the sources:</p>
-<p>In addition, some of our contributors also provide pre-built binaries
-of our current development sources on a regular basis:</p>
+sha512sum --check --ignore-missing sha512.sum

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