On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 6:46 PM Maciej W. Rozycki <ma...@wdc.com> wrote:
>  Ian: Can we please coordinate this somehow?  The libgo/ part, like all,
> relies on config/toolexeclibdir.m4, so I can either:
> 1. push the whole change all at once and you'll push the libgo/ part to
>    your repo independently, which shouldn't be an issue except perhaps for
>    policy reasons as the changes will be identical anyway, or
> 2. push all the bits sans the libgo/ part and you'll push the libgo/ part
>    to your repo and then you'll merge it to GCC.
> There is a slight technical advantage to going with #1 as there'll be no
> window where the new option is not consistently supported; it's also less
> work as you won't have to do the merge.  But I have no strong preference
> either way.

I'd rather do #2.  Thanks.  A small window is unlikely to matter to
anyone.  Let me know when the rest of the patch is committed.


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