
On 2019-12-17T22:02:25-0800, Julian Brown <jul...@codesourcery.com> wrote:
> This patch series provides support for OpenACC 2.6's manual deep copy
> (attach/detach) feature.


There is high pressure to get this functionality into GCC 10, but
remaining time is short, given upcoming winter holidays, and GCC
development stage 3 end.  The big "OpenACC reference count overhaul" is a
prerequisite for the actual "OpenACC 2.6 manual deep copy support".
Integrating into GCC trunk in incremental pieces these changes has taken
a considerable amount of time, due to having to research a lot of the
existing GCC implementation as well as intended semantics.  While we made
good progress, it's not complete yet.  I very much would like to continue
working this in an incremental fashion, however, due to shortage of time,
this is not possible.  Under protest I thus now rubber-stamp approve all
the patches posted here (to the extent I'm able to), without further
review now, and I'm planning to next year then do post-commit review, and
revisions as required.

> Many of these patches have been submitted
> previously, but this series has been rebased and the large deep-copy
> part proper has been split into several pieces for ease of review.

Again: at least as far as I'm concerned, "ease of review" doesn't mean to
artificially split a patch into several pieces per component or
directories/files touched (I don't need separate patches for
'libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/', and then 'libgomp.oacc-fortran/'), but
instead per self-contained functional change, incrementally.


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