On 03/12/19 09:11 +0100, Christophe Lyon wrote:
On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 04:34, Tom Honermann <t...@honermann.net> wrote:

A revised patch is attached that modifies the tests for deleted ostream
inserters to require C++2a.  This is required by the revision of patch
2/4 that adds proper preprocessor conditionals to the definitions.


On 9/15/19 3:40 PM, Tom Honermann wrote:
> This patch adds new tests to validate new deleted overloads of wchar_t,
> char8_t, char16_t, and char32_t for ordinary and wide formatted
> character and string ostream inserters.
> Additionally, new tests are added to validate invocations of u8path with
> sequences of char8_t for both the C++17 and filesystem TS implementations.
> libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog:
> 2019-09-15  Tom Honermann  <t...@honermann.net>
>       *
>         New test to validate deleted overloads of character and string
>         inserters for narrow ostreams.
>       *
>         New test to validate deleted overloads of character and string
>         inserters for wide ostreams.
>       *
> libstdc++-v3/testsuite/27_io/filesystem/path/factory/u8path-char8_t.cc:
>         New test to validate u8path invocations with sequences of
>         char8_t.
>       *
> libstdc++-v3/testsuite/experimental/filesystem/path/factory/u8path-char8_t.cc
>         New test to validate u8path invocations with sequences of
>         char8_t.


I've noticed that the new test
fails to compile on arm-none-eabi with default cpu/fpu, because:
in function `_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEaSEOS4_':
undefined reference to `_ZSt15__alloc_on_moveISaIcEEvRT_S2_'

That function is defined inline and so should be instantiated in any
TU that needs it, and so should not give linker errors. There was a
similar bug reported the other day that turned out to be pilot error:

The one in experimental is unsupported thanks to
// { dg-require-filesystem-ts "" }
Should that be added to the version in 27_io?

No, the std::filesystem::path class has no dependencies, it should
work everywhere. I'm not sure what's happening here.

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