On 11/20/19, Richard Biener <richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 11:02 PM David Malcolm <dmalc...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > > The checker is implemented as a GCC plugin.
>> > >
>> > > The patch kit adds support for "in-tree" plugins i.e. GCC plugins
>> > > that
>> > > would live in the GCC source tree and be shipped as part of the GCC
>> > > tarball,
>> > > with a new:
>> > >   --enable-plugins=[LIST OF PLUGIN NAMES]
>> > > configure option, analogous to --enable-languages (the
>> > > Makefile/configure
>> > > machinery for handling in-tree GCC plugins is adapted from how we
>> > > support
>> > > frontends).
>> >
>> > I like that.  Implementing this as a plugin surely must help to
>> > either
>> > document the GCC plugin interface as powerful/mature for such a
>> > task.  Or
>> > make it so, if it isn't yet.  ;-)
>> Our plugin "interface" as such is very broad.
> Just to sneak in here I don't like exposing our current plugin "non-API"
> more.  In fact I'd just build the analyzer into GCC with maybe an
> option to disable its build (in case it is very fat?).
> From what I read it seems the analyzer could do with a proper
> plugin API that just exposes introspection - and I really hope
> somebody finds the time to complete (or rewrite...) the
> proposed introspection API that ideally is even cross-compiler
> (proven by implementing said API ontop of both GCC and clang/llvm).
> That way the Analyzer would work with both GCC and clang [and golang
> and rustc...].

That might be a good idea for a long-term goal, but I just hope it
doesn't get in the way too much of the analyzer getting into GCC in
the short-term. The analyzer seems like it could do some really cool
analysis, and I'd like to use it sooner rather than later. Rewriting
the plugin API sounds like it could take a really long time...

> So it would be interesting if you could try to sketch the kind of API
> the Analyzer needs?  That is, merely the detail on which it inspects
> statements, the CFG and the callgraph.
> Richard.

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