sadly this patch seems to trigger false positive 
../../gcc/vec.h:311:10: error: attempt to free a non-heap object �@Xa�@Y

which is about vec destructor freeing heap allocated memory if the
vector was ever resized from hits stack allocated place.  In this case
it never is.

I am testing the following workaround which turns it into simple array
(only benefit of auto_vec here is the bounds check that I implemented by

I will commit it once x86_64-linux boostrap finishes unless someone
comes with better alternative. Sorry for this - it did not show up with
LTO build for me.


        * fibonacci_heap.h (fibonacci_heap<K,V>::consolidate): Turn auto_vec
        to ordinary array.

Index: fibonacci_heap.h
--- fibonacci_heap.h    (revision 278501)
+++ fibonacci_heap.h    (working copy)
@@ -648,17 +648,18 @@ template<class K, class V>
 void fibonacci_heap<K,V>::consolidate ()
   const int D = 1 + 8 * sizeof (long);
-  auto_vec<fibonacci_node<K,V> *, D> a;
+  fibonacci_node<K,V> *a[D];
   fibonacci_node<K,V> *w, *x, *y;
   int i, d;
-  a.quick_grow_cleared (D);
+  memset (a, 0, sizeof (a));
   while ((w = m_root) != NULL)
       x = w;
       remove_root (w);
       d = x->m_degree;
+      gcc_checking_assert (d < D);
       while (a[d] != NULL)
          y = a[d];

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