On 13/11/19 17:59 -0800, Thomas Rodgers wrote:
+  // TODO verify the standard requires this
+#if 0
+  // register another callback
+  bool cb3called{false};
+  std::stop_callback scb3{stok, [&]
+                                {
+                                  cb3called = true;
+                                }};
+  VERIFY(ssrc.stop_possible());
+  VERIFY(ssrc.stop_requested());
+  VERIFY(stok.stop_possible());
+  VERIFY(stok.stop_requested());
+  VERIFY(!cb1called);
+  VERIFY(cb2called);
+  VERIFY(cb3called);

The working draft definitely requires this:

Effects: Initializes callback with std::forward<C>(cb). If st.stop_requested() 
is true, then
std::forward<Callback>(callback)() is evaluated in the current thread before 
the constructor

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