On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 2:15 PM Aldy Hernandez <al...@redhat.com> wrote:
> The function range_int_cst_p only works with VR_RANGE's at the moment.
> This is silly because VR_ANTI_RANGE and even VR_VARYING can contain
> numeric bounds.  I have fixed this oversight and have made the function
> return the bounds in MIN/MAX.  This simplifies a lot of code, because
> there is no longer a need to special case VR_VARYING and VR_ANTI_RANGE,
> as well as pick at the individual range components outside of the API.
> The patch has the pleasant side-effect of bringing more things into the
> API fold.  Basically, any access to either value_range::min(), max(), or
> kind(), is suspect and a big hint that the code should be rewritten to
> use the API (contains_p, varying_p, zero_p, etc).
> One of the primary culprits of API noncompliance is the sprintf and
> strlen warning code.  Mind you, not due to negligence on the author, but
> because we had no value-range API when Martin added the passes.  I
> realize it's nobody's responsibility to fix older value-range code, and
> I'll probably end up doing it myself (next cycle??), but I could
> definitely use a hand from the experts, as it's intricate and delicate code.
> Speak of which, in converting dump_strlen_info() to use the new
> range_int_cst_p, I noticed a lot of the code disappeared if we used the
> API.  Martin, if you'd prefer not to dump varying, undefined, etc, let
> me know and we can gate that call to vr.dump().  I took the liberty
> because it was simple, clean, and hidden away in an internal debugging
> helper.
> OK for trunk?

No.  It's a semantic change, no?  Don't we for VR_ANTI_RANGE
always get [-INF, +INF] back then?  Likewise for VARYING?
What do we get for UNDEFINED?  I think callers are not prepared
for this and expect it to return true for "useful" ranges only.

If you want this, use a new name, like get_range_bounds ().
Also not sure why min/max need to be INTEGER_CST, why
not _always_ return something (that is, the fucntion should never
need to return false).

The patch doesn't look like an improvement, it just adds to confusion.


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