This Go patch records pointer var values to remove write barriers.  We
record when a local pointer variable is set to a value such that
indirecting through the pointer does not require a write barrier.  We
use that to eliminate write barriers when indirecting through that
local pointer variable.  We only keep this information per-block, so
it's not all that applicable.

This reduces the number of write barriers generated when compiling the
runtime package from 553 to 524.

The point of this is to eliminate a bad write barrier in the bytes
function in runtime/print.go.  Mark that function nowritebarrier so
that the problem does not recur.

Bootstrapped and ran Go testsuite on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.  Committed
to mainline.

Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE
--- gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE     (revision 274803)
+++ gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE     (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last
 merge done from the gofrontend repository.
Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/
--- gcc/go/gofrontend/    (revision 274803)
+++ gcc/go/gofrontend/    (working copy)
@@ -9039,7 +9039,7 @@ Builtin_call_expression::flatten_append(
          // directly before the write barrier pass.
          Statement* assign;
          if (assign_lhs != NULL
-             || !gogo->assign_needs_write_barrier(lhs))
+             || !gogo->assign_needs_write_barrier(lhs, NULL))
            assign = Statement::make_assignment(lhs, elem, loc);
Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
--- gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h    (revision 274800)
+++ gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h    (working copy)
@@ -771,7 +771,14 @@ class Gogo
   // Return whether an assignment that sets LHS to RHS needs a write
   // barrier.
-  assign_needs_write_barrier(Expression* lhs);
+  assign_needs_write_barrier(Expression* lhs,
+                             Unordered_set(const Named_object*)*);
+  // Return whether EXPR is the address of a variable that can be set
+  // without a write barrier.  That is, if this returns true, then an
+  // assignment to *EXPR does not require a write barrier.
+  bool
+  is_nonwb_pointer(Expression* expr, Unordered_set(const Named_object*)*);
   // Return an assignment that sets LHS to RHS using a write barrier.
   // This returns an if statement that checks whether write barriers
Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/
--- gcc/go/gofrontend/     (revision 274169)
+++ gcc/go/gofrontend/     (working copy)
@@ -402,14 +402,21 @@ class Write_barriers : public Traverse
   Write_barriers(Gogo* gogo)
-    : Traverse(traverse_functions | traverse_variables | traverse_statements),
-      gogo_(gogo), function_(NULL), statements_added_()
+    : Traverse(traverse_functions
+              | traverse_blocks
+              | traverse_variables
+              | traverse_statements),
+      gogo_(gogo), function_(NULL), statements_added_(),
+      nonwb_pointers_()
   { }
+  block(Block*);
+  int
@@ -422,6 +429,9 @@ class Write_barriers : public Traverse
   Function* function_;
   // Statements introduced.
   Statement_inserter::Statements statements_added_;
+  // Within a single block, pointer variables that point to values
+  // that do not need write barriers.
+  Unordered_set(const Named_object*) nonwb_pointers_;
 // Traverse a function.  Just record it for later.
@@ -439,6 +449,16 @@ Write_barriers::function(Named_object* n
+// Traverse a block.  Clear anything we know about local pointer
+// variables.
+  this->nonwb_pointers_.clear();
 // Insert write barriers for a global variable: ensure that variable
 // initialization is handled correctly.  This is rarely needed, since
 // we currently don't enable background GC until after all global
@@ -533,7 +553,16 @@ Write_barriers::statement(Block* block,
        // local variables get declaration statements, and local
        // variables on the stack do not require write barriers.
        if (!var->is_in_heap())
-         break;
+          {
+           // If this is a pointer variable, and assigning through
+           // the initializer does not require a write barrier,
+           // record that fact.
+           if (var->type()->points_to() != NULL
+               && this->gogo_->is_nonwb_pointer(init, &this->nonwb_pointers_))
+             this->nonwb_pointers_.insert(no);
+           break;
+          }
        // Nothing to do if the variable does not contain any pointers.
        if (!var->type()->has_pointer())
@@ -578,15 +607,27 @@ Write_barriers::statement(Block* block,
        Assignment_statement* as = s->assignment_statement();
-       if (as->omit_write_barrier())
-         break;
        Expression* lhs = as->lhs();
        Expression* rhs = as->rhs();
+       // Keep track of variables whose values do not escape.
+       Var_expression* lhsve = lhs->var_expression();
+       if (lhsve != NULL && lhsve->type()->points_to() != NULL)
+         {
+           Named_object* no = lhsve->named_object();
+           if (this->gogo_->is_nonwb_pointer(rhs, &this->nonwb_pointers_))
+             this->nonwb_pointers_.insert(no);
+           else
+             this->nonwb_pointers_.erase(no);
+         }
+       if (as->omit_write_barrier())
+         break;
        // We may need to emit a write barrier for the assignment.
-       if (!this->gogo_->assign_needs_write_barrier(lhs))
+       if (!this->gogo_->assign_needs_write_barrier(lhs,
+                                                    &this->nonwb_pointers_))
        // Change the assignment to use a write barrier.
@@ -667,9 +708,13 @@ Gogo::write_barrier_variable()
 // Return whether an assignment that sets LHS needs a write barrier.
+// NONWB_POINTERS is a set of variables that point to values that do
+// not need write barriers.
-Gogo::assign_needs_write_barrier(Expression* lhs)
+    Expression* lhs,
+    Unordered_set(const Named_object*)* nonwb_pointers)
   // Nothing to do if the variable does not contain any pointers.
   if (!lhs->type()->has_pointer())
@@ -738,22 +783,10 @@ Gogo::assign_needs_write_barrier(Express
   // Nothing to do for an assignment to *(convert(&x)) where
   // x is local variable or a temporary variable.
   Unary_expression* ue = lhs->unary_expression();
-  if (ue != NULL && ue->op() == OPERATOR_MULT)
-    {
-      Expression* expr = ue->operand();
-      while (true)
-        {
-          if (expr->conversion_expression() != NULL)
-            expr = expr->conversion_expression()->expr();
-          else if (expr->unsafe_conversion_expression() != NULL)
-            expr = expr->unsafe_conversion_expression()->expr();
-          else
-            break;
-        }
-      ue = expr->unary_expression();
-      if (ue != NULL && ue->op() == OPERATOR_AND)
-        return this->assign_needs_write_barrier(ue->operand());
-    }
+  if (ue != NULL
+      && ue->op() == OPERATOR_MULT
+      && this->is_nonwb_pointer(ue->operand(), nonwb_pointers))
+    return false;
   // For a struct assignment, we don't need a write barrier if all the
   // pointer types can not be in the heap.
@@ -784,6 +817,40 @@ Gogo::assign_needs_write_barrier(Express
   return true;
+// Return whether EXPR is the address of a variable that can be set
+// without a write barrier.  That is, if this returns true, then an
+// assignment to *EXPR does not require a write barrier.
+// NONWB_POINTERS is a set of variables that point to values that do
+// not need write barriers.
+Gogo::is_nonwb_pointer(Expression* expr,
+                      Unordered_set(const Named_object*)* nonwb_pointers)
+  while (true)
+    {
+      if (expr->conversion_expression() != NULL)
+       expr = expr->conversion_expression()->expr();
+      else if (expr->unsafe_conversion_expression() != NULL)
+       expr = expr->unsafe_conversion_expression()->expr();
+      else
+       break;
+    }
+  Var_expression* ve = expr->var_expression();
+  if (ve != NULL
+      && nonwb_pointers != NULL
+      && nonwb_pointers->find(ve->named_object()) != nonwb_pointers->end())
+    return true;
+  Unary_expression* ue = expr->unary_expression();
+  if (ue == NULL || ue->op() != OPERATOR_AND)
+    return false;
+  if (this->assign_needs_write_barrier(ue->operand(), nonwb_pointers))
+    return false;
+  return true;
 // Return a statement that sets LHS to RHS using a write barrier.
 // ENCLOSING is the enclosing block.
Index: libgo/go/runtime/print.go
--- libgo/go/runtime/print.go   (revision 274169)
+++ libgo/go/runtime/print.go   (working copy)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import (
 // should use printhex instead of printuint (decimal).
 type hex uint64
 func bytes(s string) (ret []byte) {
        rp := (*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&ret))
        sp := stringStructOf(&s)

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