On 8/7/19 12:51 PM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 12:44:28PM +0200, Martin Liška wrote:
>> On 8/7/19 11:51 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
>>> I think the simplest way to achieve this is to not copy, aka clear,
>>> DECL_IS_OPERATOR_* when cloning and removing arguments
>>> (cloning for a constant align argument should be OK for example, as is
>>> for a constant address).  Or simply always when cloning.
>> Ok, then I'm suggesting following tested patch.
>> Patch can bootstrap on x86_64-linux-gnu and survives regression tests.
> What about LAMBDA_FUNCTION, doesn't cloning which changes arguments in any
> way invalidate that too, i.e. shouldn't it be just 
>   FUNCTION_DECL_DECL_TYPE (new_node->decl) = NONE;

Well, how are lambdas involved in the new/delete DCE here? Lambdas with removed
arguments should not interfere here.

> instead?  On the other side, if the cloning doesn't change arguments in any
> way, do we still want to clear those flags?

Well, I would consider it safer to drop it always.


>       Jakub

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