On 8/7/19 12:04 PM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 11:54:44AM +0200, Martin Liška wrote:
>> The patch is conclusion of long-lasting discussion in the PR.
>> I've just verified that our gcc9 package with the patch attached
>> can build emacs, and so it's fixed.
> Richard said he has a patch in testing that he plans to submit today.
>> Note that the CL_DRIVER instead of CL_LANG_ALL still fails.
> What fails?  The -MF handling should not.

This still fails:

$ echo "int main() {}" > main.c && gcc -c -flto main.c && gcc -o a.out main.o 
-flto -MMD -MF deps

> If CL_DRIVER | CL_LANG_ALL is really needed, then there shouldn't be ()s
> around it.  And lto-wrapper.c has two spots currently using CL_LANG_ALL,
> both need changing, not just one.> 
>       Jakub

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