
I'm highly annoyed that we're wasting a lot of time arguing about such a
minor item.

On Mon, 27 May 2019 21:29:13 +0200, Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 09:05:06PM +0200, Thomas Schwinge wrote:
> > > The arrays are emitted in the *.omplower dump, so I think it is much 
> > > better
> > > to scan-tree-dump their content
> > 
> > That's not feasible in the general case.
> Why?  The arrays have easily parseable names (.omp_data_kinds.N), then they
> have an initializer and you can easily write a regexp to say match 3
> occurences of the firstprivate int kind constant in there.

Given the test case that's part of my patch, we get:

    $ grep -F omp_data_kinds < lower_omp_target-mappings-1.c.007t.omplower
              .omp_data_kinds.15[0] = D.2509;
              .omp_data_kinds.15[1] = 781;
              .omp_data_kinds.15[2] = 525;
              #pragma omp target num_teams(1) thread_limit(0) 
map(from:*vla.1[0] [len: _18]) map(firstprivate:vla [pointer assign, bias: 0]) 
firstprivate(D.2437) firstprivate(argc) [child fn: main._omp_fn.0 
(.omp_data_arr.13, .omp_data_sizes.14, .omp_data_kinds.15)]
              .omp_data_kinds.15 = {CLOBBER};
                            #pragma omp target num_teams(1) thread_limit(0) 
map(from:argc [len: 4]) map(tofrom:*vla.1 [len: D.2440]) map(firstprivate:vla 
[pointer assign, bias: 0]) map(alloc:MEM[(char *)argv] [len: 0]) 
map(firstprivate:argv [pointer assign, bias: 0]) [child fn: main._omp_fn.1 
(.omp_data_arr.18, .omp_data_sizes.19, .omp_data_kinds.20)]
                            #pragma omp target num_teams(1) thread_limit(0) 
is_device_ptr(argv) map(tofrom:*vla.1 [len: D.2440]) map(firstprivate:vla 
[pointer assign, bias: 0]) firstprivate(argc) [child fn: main._omp_fn.2 
(.omp_data_arr.25, .omp_data_sizes.26, .omp_data_kinds.27)]

So that doesn't even display all the arrays.  (The (default) 'static'
ones appear only in the next, 'lower', dump.)

What OMP construct does '.omp_data_kinds.15' relate to?  I can't tell
(what number each one gets), so can have just one per file?

What is 'D.2509'?  I can't follow/scan for that.

The values '781', '525' contain the alignment encoded, which may vary per
GCC target configuration, making it clumsy to scan for.


(Why do I even have to explain this to you -- you must aleady before have
come across such dumps, and their peculiarities?)

With my patch, we can instead have:

    // { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times {(?n)^Mapping 
\[.*lower_omp_target-mappings-1.c:8:9\] main\._omp_fn\.0 \[0\] '\*vla.1\[0\]': 
kind = 2/15, size = .*, align = 1$} 1 omplower } }
    // { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times {(?n)^Mapping 
\[.*lower_omp_target-mappings-1.c:8:9\] main\._omp_fn\.0 \[1\] '.*': kind = 13, 
size = 0, align = 4$} 1 omplower { target { ! { c++ && lp64 } } } } }
    // { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times {(?n)^Mapping 
\[.*lower_omp_target-mappings-1.c:8:9\] main\._omp_fn\.0 \[1\] '.*': kind = 13, 
size = 0, align = 8$} 1 omplower { target { c++ && lp64 } } } }
    // { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times {(?n)^Mapping 
\[.*lower_omp_target-mappings-1.c:8:9\] main\._omp_fn\.0 \[2\] 'argc': kind = 
13, size = 0, align = 4$} 1 omplower } }

> > > if for whatever reason adding a runtime
> > > testcase isn't sufficient
> > 
> > Why should I have an execution test for something that should really be
> > verified at the compiler side, at compile time?  And, for example, an
> Generally a runtime test can check all compilation phases, linking, runtime,
> while what looks like a unit test only tests a small portion of that.

I don't understand what you're intending to explain here.

> > > over adding further printouts and matching that.
> > 
> > I had assumed that you'd noticed that a lot of compiler passes are
> > dumping stuff that can then be scanned for.  Are you insisting that GCC's
> Usually the detailed messages in the dump print why certain changes are
> done, or other information that is not readily available in the dump
> already.

So we must not do something new/useful, because it's... new?

> I'm not convinced what you are doing brings anything that isn't
> there already.


Why exactly are you objecting that the compiler produces useful
intermediate dumps, understandable my machine and human?


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