Benjamin maintains the libstdc++ manuals under /onlinedocs on, but we keep running into permissions problems.

The patch below addresses this such that he, and others in the
gcc group with login access, can take care of such changes.

Unless there are any objections, I am planning on checking this
in.  (The script is generally run as gccadmin with group gcc.)
Affirmative notes welcome as well. :-)


2011-11-02  Gerald Pfeifer  <>

        * update_web_docs_svn: Make $DOCSDIR group writable after
        creating it.

Index: update_web_docs_svn
--- update_web_docs_svn (revision 181325)
+++ update_web_docs_svn (working copy)
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
 if [ ! -d $DOCSDIR ]; then
   mkdir $DOCSDIR
+  chmod g+w $DOCSDIR
 if [ -z "$RELEASE" ]; then

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