On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 6:10 PM, Janne Blomqvist <blomqvist.ja...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Thomas König <t...@tkoenig.net> wrote:
>> Hi Kyrlll,
>> > Am 18.07.2018 um 13:17 schrieb Kyrill Tkachov <
>> kyrylo.tkac...@foss.arm.com>:
>> >
>> > Thomas, Janne, would this relaxation of NaN handling be acceptable
>> given the benefits
>> > mentioned above? If so, what would be the recommended adjustment to the
>> nan_1.f90 test?
>> I would be a bit careful about changing behavior in such a major way.
>> What would the results with NaN and infinity then be, with or without
>> optimization? Would the results be consistent with min(nan,num) vs
>> min(num,nan)? Would they be consistent with the new IEEE standard?
> AFAIU, MIN/MAX_EXPR do the right thing when comparing a normal number with
> Inf. For NaN the result is undefined, and you might indeed have
> min(a, NaN) = a
> min(NaN, a) = NaN
> where "a" is a normal number.
> (I think that happens at least on x86 if MIN_EXPR is expanded to
> minsd/minpd.
> Apparently what the proper result for min(a, NaN) should be is contentious
> enough that minnum was removed from the upcoming IEEE 754 revision, and new
> operations AFAICS have the semantics
> minimum(a, NaN) = minimum(NaN, a) = NaN
> minimumNumber(a, NaN) = minimumNumber(NaN, a) = a
> That is minimumNumber corresponds to minnum in IEEE 754-2008 and fmin* in
> C, and to the current behavior of gfortran.
>> In general, I think that min(nan,num) should be nan and that our current
>> behavior is not the best.
> There was some extensive discussion of that in the Julia bug report I
> linked to in an earlier message, and they came to the same conclusion and
> changed their behavior.
>> Does anybody have dats points on how this is handled by other compilers?
> The only other compiler I have access to at the moment is ifort (and not
> the latest version), but maybe somebody has access to a wider variety?
>> Oh, and if anything is changed, then compile and runtime behavior should
>> always be the same.
> Well, IFF we place some weight on the runtime behavior being particularly
> sensible wrt NaN's, which it wouldn't be if we just use a plain
> MIN/MAX_EXPR. Is it worth taking a performance hit for, though? In
> particular, if other compilers are inconsistent, we might as well do
> whatever is fastest.
> --
> Janne Blomqvist

The testcase below (the functions in a separate file to prevent
inter-procedural and constant propagation optimizations):

program main
  implicit none
  real :: a, b = 1., mymax, mydiv
  external mymax, mydiv
  a = mydiv(0., 0.)
  print *, 'Verify that the following value is a NaN: ', a
  print *, 'max(', a, ',', b, ') = ', mymax(a, b)
  print *, 'max(', b, ',', a, ') = ', mymax(b, a)

  a = mydiv(1., 0.)
  print *, 'Verify that the following is a Inf: ', a
  print *, 'max(', a, ',', b, ') = ', mymax(a, b)
  print *, 'max(', b, ',', a, ') = ', mymax(b, a)
end program main

real function mymax(a, b)
  implicit none
  real :: a, b
  mymax = max(a, b)
end function mymax

real function mydiv(a, b)
  implicit none
  real :: a, b
  mydiv = a/b
end function mydiv

With gfortran 6.2 (didn't bother to check other versions as it shouldn't
have changed lately) and Intel Fortran 17.0.1 I get the following:

% gfortran main.f90 my.f90 && ./a.out
 Verify that the following value is a NaN:               NaN
 max(              NaN ,   1.00000000     ) =    1.00000000
 max(   1.00000000     ,              NaN ) =    1.00000000
 Verify that the following is a Inf:          Infinity
 max(         Infinity ,   1.00000000     ) =          Infinity
 max(   1.00000000     ,         Infinity ) =          Infinity

% gfortran -ffast-math main.f90 my.f90 && ./a.out
 Verify that the following value is a NaN:               NaN
 max(              NaN ,   1.00000000     ) =               NaN
 max(   1.00000000     ,              NaN ) =    1.00000000
 Verify that the following is a Inf:          Infinity
 max(         Infinity ,   1.00000000     ) =          Infinity
 max(   1.00000000     ,         Infinity ) =          Infinity

% ifort main.f90 my.f90 && ./a.out
 Verify that the following value is a NaN:             NaN
 max(            NaN ,   1.000000     ) =    1.000000
 max(   1.000000     ,            NaN ) =             NaN
 Verify that the following is a Inf:        Infinity
 max(       Infinity ,   1.000000     ) =        Infinity
 max(   1.000000     ,       Infinity ) =        Infinity

% ifort -fp-model strict main.f90 my.f90 && ./a.out
 Verify that the following value is a NaN:             NaN
 max(            NaN ,   1.000000     ) =    1.000000
 max(   1.000000     ,            NaN ) =             NaN
 Verify that the following is a Inf:        Infinity
 max(       Infinity ,   1.000000     ) =        Infinity
 max(   1.000000     ,       Infinity ) =        Infinity

For brevity I have omitted tests with various -O[N] optimization levels,
which didn't affect the results on either gfortran nor ifort.

This suggests that ifort does the equivalent of MAX_EXPR unconditionally.

Does anyone have access to other compilers, what results do they give?

Janne Blomqvist

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