The libffi library doesn't understand zero-sized objects.  This patch
to libgo fixes it so that when we see a zero-sized field in a struct,
we just skip it when converting to the libffi data structures. There
is no value to pass in any case, so not telling libffi about the field
doesn't affect anything.  The test case for this is  This fixes  Bootstrapped and ran Go testsuite on
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.  Committed to mainline.

Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE
--- gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE     (revision 262641)
+++ gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE     (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last
 merge done from the gofrontend repository.
Index: libgo/go/runtime/ffi.go
--- libgo/go/runtime/ffi.go     (revision 262540)
+++ libgo/go/runtime/ffi.go     (working copy)
@@ -225,11 +225,40 @@ func structToFFI(typ *structtype) *__ffi
                return emptyStructToFFI()
-       fields := make([]*__ffi_type, c+1)
+       fields := make([]*__ffi_type, 0, c+1)
+       checkPad := false
        for i, v := range typ.fields {
-               fields[i] = typeToFFI(v.typ)
+               // Skip zero-sized fields; they confuse libffi,
+               // and there is no value to pass in any case.
+               // We do have to check whether the alignment of the
+               // zero-sized field introduces any padding for the
+               // next field.
+               if v.typ.size == 0 {
+                       checkPad = true
+                       continue
+               }
+               if checkPad {
+                       off := uintptr(0)
+                       for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
+                               if typ.fields[j].typ.size > 0 {
+                                       off = typ.fields[j].offset() + 
+                                       break
+                               }
+                       }
+                       off += uintptr(v.typ.align) - 1
+                       off &^= uintptr(v.typ.align) - 1
+                       if off != v.offset() {
+                               fields = append(fields, padFFI(v.offset()-off))
+                       }
+                       checkPad = false
+               }
+               fields = append(fields, typeToFFI(v.typ))
-       fields[c] = nil
+       fields = append(fields, nil)
        return &__ffi_type{
                _type:    _FFI_TYPE_STRUCT,
                elements: &fields[0],
@@ -302,6 +331,19 @@ func emptyStructToFFI() *__ffi_type {
        return &__ffi_type{
                _type:    _FFI_TYPE_STRUCT,
                elements: &elements[0],
+       }
+// padFFI returns a padding field of the given size
+func padFFI(size uintptr) *__ffi_type {
+       elements := make([]*__ffi_type, size+1)
+       for i := uintptr(0); i < size; i++ {
+               elements[i] = ffi_type_uint8()
+       }
+       elements[size] = nil
+       return &__ffi_type{
+               _type:    _FFI_TYPE_STRUCT,
+               elements: &elements[0],

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