Hi all,

This patch adds support for the Arm Cortex-A76 processor in changes.html for 
GCC 9.
It enables the AArch64 section of the page and adds the news blob there.
It also adds an entry to the already-existing arm entry.

Ok to commit to CVS (for the aarch64 parts)?

Index: htdocs/gcc-9/changes.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-9/changes.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -U 3 -r1.9 changes.html
--- htdocs/gcc-9/changes.html	20 Jun 2018 16:15:35 -0000	1.9
+++ htdocs/gcc-9/changes.html	27 Jun 2018 10:25:19 -0000
@@ -77,13 +77,41 @@
 <!-- .................................................................. -->
 <h2 id="targets">New Targets and Target Specific Improvements</h2>
-<!-- <h3 id="aarch64">AArch64</h3> -->
+<h3 id="aarch64">AArch64</h3>
+  <li>
+    Support has been added for the following processors
+    (GCC identifiers in parentheses):
+    <ul>
+	<li>Arm Cortex-A76 (<code>cortex-a76</code>).</li>
+	<li>Arm Cortex-A55/Cortex-A76 DynamIQ big.LITTLE (<code>cortex-a76.cortex-a55</code>).</li>
+    </ul>
+    The GCC identifiers can be used
+    as arguments to the <code>-mcpu</code> or <code>-mtune</code> options,
+    for example: <code>-mcpu=cortex-a76</code> or
+    <code>-mtune=cortex-a76.cortex-a55</code> or as arguments to the equivalent target
+    attributes and pragmas.
+  </li>
 <!-- <h3 id="arc">ARC</h3> -->
 <h3 id="arm">ARM</h3>
+    Support has been added for the following processors
+    (GCC identifiers in parentheses):
+    <ul>
+	<li>Arm Cortex-A76 (<code>cortex-a76</code>).</li>
+	<li>Arm Cortex-A55/Cortex-A76 DynamIQ big.LITTLE (<code>cortex-a76.cortex-a55</code>).</li>
+    </ul>
+    The GCC identifiers can be used
+    as arguments to the <code>-mcpu</code> or <code>-mtune</code> options,
+    for example: <code>-mcpu=cortex-a76</code> or
+    <code>-mtune=cortex-a76.cortex-a55</code> or as arguments to the equivalent target
+    attributes and pragmas.
+  </li>
+  <li>
     Support for the deprecated Armv2 and Armv3 architectures and their
     variants has been removed.  Their corresponding <code>-march</code>
     values and the <code>-mcpu</code> options that used these architectures

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