Loop invariants and loop variants should all be colocated, as defined in
SPARK RM 5.5.3(8). The code checking that rule was incorrectly accepting
pragma Assert between two loop invariants. Now fixed.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2018-05-25  Yannick Moy  <m...@adacore.com>


        * sem_prag.adb (Check_Grouping): Modify test to ignore statements and
        declarations not coming from source.
--- gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
+++ gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
@@ -5979,9 +5979,14 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
                               Prag := Stmt;
                            --  Skip declarations and statements generated by
-                           --  the compiler during expansion.
+                           --  the compiler during expansion. Note that some
+                           --  source statements (e.g. pragma Assert) may have
+                           --  been transformed so that they do not appear as
+                           --  coming from source anymore, so we instead look
+                           --  at their Original_Node.
-                           elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
+                           elsif not Comes_From_Source (Original_Node (Stmt))
+                           then
                            --  A non-pragma is separating the group from the

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