On 10/26/11 15:54, Alan Modra wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 03:01:01PM +0200, Bernd Schmidt wrote:
>> On 10/26/11 14:27, Alan Modra wrote:
>>> Committed revision 180522.  It turns out that shrink-wrapping isn't as
>>> effective as it used to be with the 20110915 based sources I was using
>>> originally.  povray Ray_In_Bound no longer gets the benefit of shrink
>>> wrap, likely due to some cfg optimization.  We end up with a simple
>>> block that just does r3=1 then jumps to last_bb being reached from
>>> blocks that need a prologue as well as blocks that don't.  That's
>>> enough to kill our current shrink wrap implementation.  What we need
>>> is something to duplicate these tail blocks..
>> Would it work to insert the epilogue on some edges to this R3=1 block,
>> and not on the others?
> Wouldn't you need to modify all the target epilogue code?  Our
> epilogues return.

Not all of them at once - you could require that if a target has a
simple_return pattern, the epilogue does not return. But yes, these
kinds of complications are a reason why I went for a simple variant first.

> I guess the tradeoff between the classic shrink-wrap epilogue scheme
> and my duplicate tail idea is whether duplicating tail blocks adds
> more code than duplicating epilogues.  From what I've seen, the
> duplicate tails are generally very small.  I guess I should dump out
> some info so we can get a better idea.

I suppose if one wanted to avoid inserting more than one epilogue for
code-size reasons, one could make a new basic block containing the
epilogue, and redirect edges as appropriate.


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