On Tue, 2017-12-19 at 16:56 -0700, Jeff Law wrote:
> So the path to get_condition is reasonable.  That's really all I
> needed
> to have verified one way or the other.
> With that in mind your patch is fine.
> I will note that I find it highly confusing that we attach a simple
> loop
> descriptor to a loop that is not a simple loop.  But clearly you
> didn't
> introduce that oddball behavior.

  Thanks for sticking with this and reviewing, I have re-checked that
regstrap still passes and committed as 256079.


Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.  acsaw...@linux.vnet.ibm.com
050-2/C113  (507) 253-7520 home: 507/263-0782
IBM Linux Technology Center - PPC Toolchain

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