On Dec 14, 2017, Jason Merrill <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 12/07/2017 04:04 PM, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

>> For other templates, I ended up writing code to look for
>> specializations in the hashtables of decl or type specializations.
>> That's not exactly efficient, but it gets the job done.

> How inefficient is it, exactly?

Err...  O(n)? :-)

For the cases we go down this path, we iterate over the hashtable of
specializations of types or functions, testing whether each one fits the
friend template declaration with is_specialization_of_friend().  The
tests there are not particularly expensive, but I suppose they could add
up given tons of template instantiations.  I assume the test is already
made efficient, but perhaps a different version could be tuned to this
use, or something, or we could try to come up with a completely
different algorithm that, I don't know, grouped instantiations and
friend declarations by identifiers first, or somesuch.

Now, perhaps it is possible to locate instantiations more immediately in
cases I haven't been able to figure out.  It's not like I know my way
around the internal representation of templates ;-)  If you have any
suggestions and directions, I'm all ears.

> I wonder about changing register_specialization to fill out
> DECL_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATIONS for more templates (even more than you
> already do).

If spending "permanent" memory to this end is better than gathering it
when needed makes it more efficient, sure.

>> +  /* At DETAIL level 0, returns non-NULL if the named class TYPE has
>> +     any friends, NULL otherwise.  At higher detail levels, return a
>> +     tree list with the friends of the named class type.  Each
>> +     TREE_VALUE contains one friend type or function decl.  For
>> +     non-template friends, TREE_PURPOSE is NULL.  For template friend
>> +     declarations, the returned entries depend on the DETAIL level.
>> +     At level 1, and only at level 1, an entry with NULL TREE_VALUE
>> +     and non-NULL TREE_PURPOSE will START the returned list to
>> +     indicate the named class TYPE has at least one template friend.
>> +     At level 2, each template friend will be in an entry with NULL
>> +     TREE_VALUE, and with the TEMPLATE_DECL in TREE_PURPOSE.  At level
>> +     3, instead of a NULL TREE_VALUE, we add one entry for each
>> +     instantiation or specialization of the template that fits the
>> +     template friend declaration, as long as there is at least one
>> +     instantiation or specialization; if there isn't any, an entry
>> +     with NULL TREE_VALUE is created.  A negative detail level will
>> +     omit non-template friends from the returned list.  */

> The calls I see only seem to use details 0 and 3, while I would expect
> level 3 to only be used with -g3.  What is the purpose of the negative
> level?

I designed the API so as to give dwarf2out some flexibility in getting
to the information in different ways, allowing queries that wouldn't
waste much memory building lists just to throw them away right away.  My
goal was always to list all befriended instantiations at -g, but e.g. if
we've already got the data for non-template friends in an earlier query,
I wanted to avoid duplicating them in a subsequent query for template
friends.  That's where the negative levels would come handy.  The code
could be structured so as to query at level 1 at first, emit the
non-template friend attributes, and then issue a level 2 or 3 query to
deal with template ones only if the special entry is returned in the
first query.  But that subsequent query would duplicate template
entries, whereas with a negative level they would be left out, saving
the memory the list would spend on them.

Now, regardless of what I set out to do, I figured we might want to vary
the amount of detail put in debug info, and that there might be
discussion about it, so the detail levels would help in that regard too.
I envisioned command line options to control some of that, but I didn't
go down this path further before discussion as to what's desirable,
costly, etc.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- http://FSFLA.org/   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist|Red Hat Brasil GNU Toolchain Engineer

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