On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 04:32:12PM +0200, Mikael Morin wrote:
> currently, the testsuite return value is ignored by make. It is a little 
> annoying if one wants to check automatically for regressions as we have to 
> parse the testsuite output.
> This patch reverts to the normal make behaviour, which is to not ignore 
> commands' return values. Note: As a result the -k flag has to be added to the 
> make command line if one wants the tests to continue after one failure.
> OK for trunk?

Please no.  This is a very bad idea, most of the testsuites on many
architectures contain some FAILs and a failure from check-parallel-% would
mean the *.log/*.sum files would be never merged in that case.

If you really need to propagate the return value (I fail to see how it is
useful), then you should e.g. store the $? value from $(RUNTEST) in
check-parallel-% into some file in that directory and have the
parallelization goal after the merging collect those from the individual
files and or them all together into the final return value.

> 2011-10-09  Mikael Morin  <mikael.mo...@sfr.fr>
>       * Makefile.in (check-parallel-%): Don't ignore testsuite errors.

> Index: Makefile.in
> ===================================================================
> --- Makefile.in       (révision 179710)
> +++ Makefile.in       (copie de travail)
> @@ -5116,10 +5124,10 @@ $(patsubst %,%-subtargets,$(lang_checks_paralleliz
>  # Otherwise check-$lang isn't parallelized and runtest is invoked just with
>  # the $(RUNTESTFLAGS) arguments.
>  check-parallel-% : site.exp
> -     -test -d plugin || mkdir plugin
> -     -test -d $(TESTSUITEDIR) || mkdir $(TESTSUITEDIR)
> +     test -d plugin || mkdir plugin
> +     test -d $(TESTSUITEDIR) || mkdir $(TESTSUITEDIR)
>       test -d $(TESTSUITEDIR)/$(check_p_subdir) || mkdir 
> $(TESTSUITEDIR)/$(check_p_subdir)
> -     -(rootme=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export rootme; \
> +     (rootme=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export rootme; \
>       srcdir=`cd ${srcdir}; ${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export srcdir ; \
>       cd $(TESTSUITEDIR)/$(check_p_subdir); \
>       rm -f tmp-site.exp; \


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