On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 5:43 PM, Alexander Monakov <amona...@ispras.ru> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, Wilco Dijkstra wrote:
>> This patch simplifies pow (C, x) into exp (x * C1) if C > 0, C1 = log (C).
> Note this changes the outcome for C == +Inf, x == 0 (pow is specified to
> return 1.0 in that case, but x * C1 == NaN).  There's another existing
> transform with the same issue, 'pow(expN(x), y) -> expN(x*y)', so this is
> not a new problem.
> The whole set of these match.pd transforms is guarded by
> flag_unsafe_math_optimizations, which is a bit strange, on the one hand
> it does not include -ffinite-math-only, but on the other hand it's
> defined broadly enough to imply that.

No, flag_unsafe_math_optimization doesn't imply -ffinite-math-only.
-funsafe-math-optimization these days should guard transforms that
affect the value of the result (but not its classification).  There are
more specific variants like -fassociative-math which also affects
results but in a more specific way.

> (to be clear, I'm not objecting to the patch, just pointing out an
> existing inconsistency in case someone can offer clarifications)

We shouldn't add such issue knowingly, I guess for this case it's easy
to check that C is not +Inf.

For the existing transforms with the same issue guarding with
-ffinite-math-only is an appropriate fix.


> Alexander

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