Hi Jerry,

I apologise for the long delay in replying to you. I was on vacation
in a location that excluded all but the most meagre emails :-) In
addition, my workstation has been in the repair shop for the last
couple of weeks and is now the subject of a warranty claim.

The span field is added in the middle of the descriptor because the
caf token field makes the descriptor variable length. This is
reflected in the change in libgfortran.h.

It has crossed my mind that I should add some more fields, by
expanding the dtype field, which would then allow us to bump up the
maximum number of dimensions for example.

I have also fixed the ASSOCIATE problem that was reported in the
thread on clf that Thomas started.

However, I would appreciate somebody reviewing what I already posted.
Damian has had problems applying the patch. I suggest that the -l
option be applied, since my editor fixes whitespace problems on the

Best regards


On 11 July 2017 at 15:48, Jerry DeLisle <jvdeli...@charter.net> wrote:
> On 07/11/2017 07:23 AM, Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
>> Well, a bit earlier than anticipated, here is the final version that
>> puts right all the wrinkles that I know about.
>> Bootstraps and regtests - OK for trunk?
>> Paul
> Somewhere in the threads on this, there was mentioned ABI breakage/change.
> Does it really do this? If the significant change is in the descriptor and you
> just added the span on the end of the structure, I am not convinced this is an
> issue. (I have not studied the patch at all, I would rather not bump library
> version)
> Jerry

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"
- Albert Einstein

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