we have, like specifying the set of symbols _defined_ by a toplevel
asm, right?  I might misremember but sth like

extern void foo (void);
asm("" :::: "foo");

was supposed to do the trick.  Or should we treat those as outputs
(given you use inputs for symbol uses)?

I don't recall any discussion of how to deal with symbols defined by a
top level asm - I was just asked to follow the "normal" asm syntax in
having two colons in the middle instead of one as I had originally (not
expecting any use for outputs here).

Honza, do you remember if we decided on anything here?

To be honest, I don't think we actually dicussed some particular syntax or my memory is even worse ;). We will need to make one. In the above example, I don't think quotes about foo is needed. We actualy provide definition of the declaration, so it should be just the decl itself, not a string.



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