I've committed this, which documents the fix for http://gcc.gnu.org/PR1773 in gcc-4.7/changes.html, and also replaces some > characters with the > entity.
Index: changes.html =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-4.7/changes.html,v retrieving revision 1.45 diff -r1.45 changes.html 84c84 < if (a>10) --- > if (a>10) 211c211 < template <class T> --- > template <class T> 215c215 < template <class T> --- > template <class T> 218c218 < void f() { g(T()); } // fix by using this->g or A::g --- > void f() { g(T()); } // fix by using this->g or A::g 225,226c225,226 < f<int>(); < A<B>().f(); --- > f<int>(); > A<B>().f(); 232c232 < template<class W> --- > template<class W> 242c242 < int ar[Q<B>::I]; --- > int ar[Q<B>::I]; 268a269,272 > > <li>G++ now sets the predefined macro <tt>__cplusplus</tt> to the > correct value, <tt>199711L</tt>. > </li>