This patch inroduces applyRelocationsALPHA to solve:

FAIL: TestCgoConsistentResults
FAIL: TestCgoPkgConfig
FAIL: TestCgoHandlesWlORIGIN
gotools errors.

Bootstrapped and regression tested on alphaev68-linux-gnu.

Index: go/debug/elf/file.go
--- go/debug/elf/file.go        (revision 249418)
+++ go/debug/elf/file.go        (working copy)
@@ -602,6 +602,8 @@
                return f.applyRelocationss390x(dst, rels)
        case f.Class == ELFCLASS64 && f.Machine == EM_SPARCV9:
                return f.applyRelocationsSPARC64(dst, rels)
+       case f.Class == ELFCLASS64 && f.Machine == EM_ALPHA:
+               return f.applyRelocationsALPHA(dst, rels)
                return errors.New("applyRelocations: not implemented")
@@ -1049,6 +1051,55 @@
        return nil
+func (f *File) applyRelocationsALPHA(dst []byte, rels []byte) error {
+       // 24 is the size of Rela64.
+       if len(rels)%24 != 0 {
+               return errors.New("length of relocation section is not a 
multiple of 24")
+       }
+       symbols, _, err := f.getSymbols(SHT_SYMTAB)
+       if err != nil {
+               return err
+       }
+       b := bytes.NewReader(rels)
+       var rela Rela64
+       for b.Len() > 0 {
+               binary.Read(b, f.ByteOrder, &rela)
+               symNo := rela.Info >> 32
+               t := R_ALPHA(rela.Info & 0xffff)
+               if symNo == 0 || symNo > uint64(len(symbols)) {
+                       continue
+               }
+               sym := &symbols[symNo-1]
+               if SymType(sym.Info&0xf) != STT_SECTION {
+                       // We don't handle non-section relocations for now.
+                       continue
+               }
+               // There are relocations, so this must be a normal
+               // object file, and we only look at section symbols,
+               // so we assume that the symbol value is 0.
+               switch t {
+               case R_ALPHA_REFQUAD:
+                       if rela.Off+8 >= uint64(len(dst)) || rela.Addend < 0 {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       f.ByteOrder.PutUint64(dst[rela.Off:rela.Off+8], 
+               case R_ALPHA_REFLONG:
+                       if rela.Off+4 >= uint64(len(dst)) || rela.Addend < 0 {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       f.ByteOrder.PutUint32(dst[rela.Off:rela.Off+4], 
+               }
+       }
+       return nil
 func (f *File) DWARF() (*dwarf.Data, error) {
        // sectionData gets the data for s, checks its size, and
        // applies any applicable relations.

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