On 04/12/2017 05:40 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
> On 04/12/2017 04:03 PM, Jeff Law wrote:
>> On 04/04/2017 07:10 PM, Damian Rouson wrote:
>>> All,
>>> The attached patch modifies the contrib/download_prerequisites script
>>> to work on macOS.
>>> The revised script detects the operating system and adjusts the shasum
>>> and md5 commands
>>> to their expected name and arguments on macOS.  The revised script
>>> also uses curl if
>>> wget is not present.  macOS ships with curl but not wget.
>>> Tested on macOS and Lubuntu and Fedora Linux distributions.
>>> Ok for trunk?
>>> Damian
>>> 2017-04-05  Damian Rouson  <dam...@sourceryinstitute.org>
>>>         * download_prerequisites (md5_check): New function emulates Linux
>>>         'md5 --check' on macOS.  Modified script for macOS compatibility.
>> I wonder if we should just switch to curl from wget in general rather
>> than conditionalizing the code at all.
> That was going to be my suggestion as well.  It will make updating
> the script easier.
> Martin
>> For the sums, rather than doing a check of the OS, just see if
>> sha512/md5sum exists.  If not, then fallback to the Darwin defaults.
>> Jeff

I did not wait long enough for your comments and comitted it already. We can
certainly adjust it.


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