On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Revital Eres <revital.e...@linaro.org> wrote:
> Hello,
>> This
>> +      /* Skip instructions that do not set a register.  */
>> +      if (set && !REG_P (SET_DEST (set)))
>> +        continue;
>> is ok. Can you also prevent !set insns from having reg_moves? (To be updated
>> once auto_inc insns will be supported, if they'll deserve reg_moves too.)
> Do you mean leaving any anti-dep edges to !set instructions similar to
> what is done for auto_inc addresses in part 2 of this patch?

No, I mean have a "if (!set) continue;" right after the above in
generate_reg_moves(). For patch 2/2 this would need to be updated to
allow generating reg_moves for non-single_set's which are auto-inc's
(making sure we generate them for the right reg).


> Thanks,
> Revital

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