This patch that Bernd put in PR77718 seems to be fine. Bootstrap and
regtest done on powerpc64le, no new failures. Ok for trunk?

2016-09-28  Bernd Schmidt  <>

        * builtins.c (expand_builtin_memcmp): don't swap args unless
        result is only being compared with zero.

Index: builtins.c
--- builtins.c  (revision 240511)
+++ builtins.c  (working copy)
@@ -3707,11 +3707,13 @@ expand_builtin_memcmp (tree exp, rtx tar
   by_pieces_constfn constfn = NULL;
-  const char *src_str = c_getstr (arg1);
-  if (src_str == NULL)
-    src_str = c_getstr (arg2);
-  else
-    std::swap (arg1_rtx, arg2_rtx);
+  const char *src_str = c_getstr (arg2);
+  if (result_eq && src_str == NULL)
+    {
+      src_str = c_getstr (arg1);
+      if (src_str != NULL)
+       std::swap (arg1_rtx, arg2_rtx);
+    }
   /* If SRC is a string constant and block move would be done
      by pieces, we can avoid loading the string from memory

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.
050-2/C113  (507) 253-7520 home: 507/263-0782
IBM Linux Technology Center - PPC Toolchain

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