On 08/30/11 15:52:12, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> Please send a patch. [... on points 1, 2, and 3]0

OK, will do.

> GF: Also, the use of fixed masks is problematic.  Perhaps the AWK script
> GF: could be changed to also generate values for CL_PARAMS, etc., ensuring
> GF: that will not conflict with the language mask values?
> That sounds riskier (and does everywhere using opts.h actually need the 
> generated options.h as well?)

It looks like many files include opts.h, but do not include options.h.

> although in principle it ought to be 
> possible to assign this automatically (and actually only CL_DRIVER, 
> CL_TARGET and CL_COMMON should really need bits assigned, though avoiding 
> the others would require a --help rework).

An alternative might be to move the fixed assignments (CL_DRIVER, 
CL_TARGET, CL_COMMON ...) down to start at the beginning of the range,
(leaving room for a few more) and to start the auto-generated
language mask bits above that?

- Gary

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