Le 29/08/2011 15:15, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:21:12PM +0200, Alexandre Lissy wrote:
>> Files containing the MELT translated to C code were not loaded correctly
>> due to bad search path when working with an installed plugin. Present
>> commit fixes this by:
>>  - using a melt find to search in current dir
>>  - ensuring the melt_modulename in melt descriptor only contains the
>>    module name, and no path component
> Are you sure of that patch?  It seems that it loops on the hello world tiny 
> test I added in the MELT branch rev 178154
> Does it work for you when merging with latest MELT updates (ie when applying 
> that patch to rev  178154 of the MELT branch?
> (I am investigating)
> Cheers.

Okay, once fixing your Makefile it's okay:

$ LC_ALL=C time -p gcc -c @melt-sayhello.args
cc1: note: MELT is bootstrapping so ignore builtin source directory
cc1: note: MELT is bootstrapping so ignore builtin module directory
cc1: note: MELT generating C code of module melt-sayhello
cc1: note: MELT generated same file melt-sayhello.c in
cc1: note: MELT generated descriptor file melt-sayhello+meltdesc.c
cc1: note: MELT generated C code of module melt-sayhello with 0
secondary files in 10 CPU millisec.
real 0.06
user 0.02
sys 0.02

The bug was: -fplugin-arg-melt-arg=melt-modules. I suspect it's this
line in melt-build.tpl:
$(meltarg_arg)=$<  -frandom-seed=$(shell md5sum melt-sayhello.melt | cut
-b-24) \

The '$<' part ... But I have no idea of your intentions.

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