On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 2:03 AM, Tom de Vries <tom_devr...@mentor.com> wrote:
> pdr_0 (read
> in gimple stmt: _9 = yu[_8][0];
> data accesses: { S_4[i1, i2] -> [1, 0, 1 + i1] }

data access should be { S_4[i1, i2] -> [1, 1 + i1, 0] }

> subscript sizes: { [1, i1, 0] : i1 >= 0 and i1 <= 3 }
> )
> I'm not really sure how this is supposed to be fixed. I imagine that we 
> should do one of 3:
> 1. we change the order in the access functions
> 2. we change the order in the subscript_sizes
> 3. we keep the orders as they are, but don't intersect them directly
>    but do an order inversion before.
> I've picked 1, since that was the easiest for me to implement (but I'm not 
> sure if by doing so, I've broken any hardcoded graphite assumptions).

1 is the right fix: both access functions and subscript sizes should
be in the same order.
If Richi agrees, ok to commit.


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