> If you don’t have your paper work done, you will want to start up that 
> process now.  The port can’t go into the compiler without it.

What is the paper?
Can you explain more about it?

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:47 AM, Mike Stump <mikest...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2016, at 10:33 PM, Nguyễn Sinh Ngọc 
> <ngoc.nguyens...@icdrec.edu.vn> wrote:
>> I wonder that what paper is?
>> Is it an introduction about new feature in our target?
> I was not able to make any sense of these two question.  Likely a language 
> barrier.  If you can find a way to rephrase them…  I can try and answer.

Thanks & Best regards
Nguyễn Sinh Ngọc
Software Department
IC Design & Research Education Center
Email: ngoc.nguyens...@icdrec.edu.vn
Cell Phone: +84 (0)974117946

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