On Saturday 06 August 2011 19:10:09 Janus Weil wrote:
> Now, if Thomas says it's fine for the other cases, too, then it seems
> we can really get away with a much simpler patch. Hope we're not
> missing anything, though ...

What about this case: two module variables from two different modules?

module world1

 implicit none

 integer :: n

 type :: t1
    procedure, nopass :: string => w1_string
 end type


 function w1_string (m)
   integer, intent(in) :: m
   character(n) :: w1_string
   w1_string = "world"
 end function

end module world1

module world2 

 use world1, only : t1

 implicit none

 integer :: n

 type, extends(t1) :: t2
    procedure, nopass :: string => w2_string
 end type


 function w2_string (m)
   integer, intent(in) :: m
   character(n) :: w2_string
   w2_string = "world2"
 end function

end module world2

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