On Tue, 27 Oct 2015, Andres Tiraboschi wrote:

> While we start a discussion with the C committee regarding the standarization
> of this feature, we think that this is a useful nonstandard addition to be
> early adopted.

Are you raising the issue with WG14 in Kona this week?  I'd be wary of 
this sort of extension without positive views from WG14 / WG21.

This patch is, in any case, missing sufficient testcases and 
documentation.  Testcases need to include lots of variations that make 
clear whether the \, must appear literally like that without whitespace, 
or whether there might be space between them, or they might come from 
expansions of separate macros, etc.; formatting of the patch also appears 
messed up.  Testcases also need to include cases that are valid with and 
without the option but with different semantics, to make clear that the 
option and its absence do the right thing in such cases.  Documentation 
should include precise proposed standard wording to make such semantic 
issues clear; that's the level at which this would need to be defined.

Joseph S. Myers

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