The ali file not includes both a read and modify reference for an entity that is
an actual for an in-out parameter.
The following commands:
    gcc -c gp.adb
    grep G{integer} gp.ali

must yield:

    2i4*G{integer} 2|9m14 9r14
package GP is
   G : Integer;
   procedure Indirect_Read_Write;
end GP;
package body GP is
   procedure Indirect_Read_Write is
      procedure Local (Proxy : in out Integer) is
         pragma Precondition (Proxy < Integer'Last);
         Proxy := Proxy + 1;
      end Local;
      Local (G);
   end Indirect_Read_Write;
end GP;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2011-08-01  Ed Schonberg  <>

        * sem_ch8.adb (Find_Direct_Name, Analyze_Expanded_Name): use Is_LHS to
        better determine whether an entity reference is a write.
        * sem_util.adb (Is_LHS): refine predicate to handle assignment to a
        * lib-xref.adb (Output_References): Do no suppress a read reference at
        the same location as an immediately preceeding modify-reference, to
        handle properly in-out actuals.

Index: sem_util.adb
--- sem_util.adb        (revision 177027)
+++ sem_util.adb        (working copy)
@@ -6663,8 +6663,17 @@
    function Is_LHS (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
       P : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
-      return Nkind (P) = N_Assignment_Statement
-        and then Name (P) = N;
+      if Nkind (P) = N_Assignment_Statement then
+         return Name (P) = N;
+      elsif
+        Nkind_In (P, N_Indexed_Component, N_Selected_Component, N_Slice)
+      then
+         return N = Prefix (P) and then Is_LHS (P);
+      else
+         return False;
+      end if;
    end Is_LHS;
Index: sem_ch8.adb
--- sem_ch8.adb (revision 176998)
+++ sem_ch8.adb (working copy)
@@ -4574,10 +4574,21 @@
             --    The Is_Actual_Parameter routine takes care of one of these
             --    cases but there are others probably ???
+            --
+            --    If the entity is the LHS of an assignment, and is a variable
+            --    (rather than a package prefix),  we can mark it as a
+            --    modification right away, to avoid duplicate references.
                if not Is_Actual_Parameter then
-                  Generate_Reference (E, N);
+                  if Is_LHS (N)
+                    and then Ekind (E) /= E_Package
+                    and then Ekind (E) /= E_Generic_Package
+                  then
+                     Generate_Reference (E, N, 'm');
+                  else
+                     Generate_Reference (E, N);
+                  end if;
                end if;
                Check_Nested_Access (E);
@@ -4980,7 +4991,12 @@
          Set_Entity (N, Id);
          Set_Entity_Or_Discriminal (N, Id);
-         Generate_Reference (Id, N);
+         if Is_LHS (N) then
+            Generate_Reference (Id, N, 'm');
+         else
+            Generate_Reference (Id, N);
+         end if;
       end if;
       if Is_Type (Id) then
Index: lib-xref.adb
--- lib-xref.adb        (revision 176998)
+++ lib-xref.adb        (working copy)
@@ -1377,6 +1377,9 @@
          Ctyp : Character;
          --  Entity type character
+         Prevt : Character;
+         --  reference kind of previous reference
          Tref : Entity_Id;
          --  Type reference
@@ -1519,6 +1522,7 @@
          Curdef := No_Location;
          Curru  := No_Unit;
          Crloc  := No_Location;
+         Prevt  := 'm';
          --  Loop to output references
@@ -2193,12 +2197,17 @@
                      Crloc := No_Location;
                   end if;
-                  --  Output the reference
+                  --  Output the reference if it is not as the same location
+                  --  as the previous one, or it is a read-reference that
+                  --  indicates that the entity is an in-out actual in a call.
                   if XE.Loc /= No_Location
-                     and then XE.Loc /= Crloc
+                    and then
+                      (XE.Loc /= Crloc
+                         or else (Prevt = 'm' and then  XE.Typ = 'r'))
                      Crloc := XE.Loc;
+                     Prevt := XE.Typ;
                      --  Start continuation if line full, else blank

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