On 09/24/2015 04:52 AM, Jim MacArthur wrote:
> Hi all, I'm following up on some old work my colleague Mark Doffman did to 
> try 
> and get support for the AUTOMATIC keyword into trunk. In the enclosed patch 
> I've addressed the problem with it accepting 'automatic' outside -std=gnu (it 
> will now only accept AUTOMATIC under -std=gnu or -std=legacy). I've also 
> added 
> some test cases and documentation.
> To address some of the other questions about this patch:
> * AUTOMATIC isn't in any official standard, but is supported by the 
> Sun/Oracle 
> Fortran compiler: 
> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/805-4939/6j4m0vn79/index.html#z400073dc651
> and the IBM XL compiler: 
> https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27018978&aid=1
> * Making this patch is our second choice after modifying our source code. The 
> scale of our source means it's not practical to manually modify it. For other 
> legacy features we've been able to do some automated transforms, but we can't 
> figure out any way to do this for AUTOMATIC. There's a chance there will be 
> some other people out there stuck with legacy code who will benefit from this 
> change.

I think I appreciate what you are trying to do here.  I don't intend to sound
negative here, but if the keyword AUTOMATIC does nothing how difficult is it
really to just run a script on all your source code using something like sed and
just strip it out.  5 minutes to develop the script, 13 seconds to run it.

Or maybe a preprocessor directive that defines AUTOMATIC as ''

I must be missing something here.



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