On September 16, 2015 6:32:46 PM GMT+02:00, "Manuel López-Ibáñez" 
<lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 16/09/15 16:36, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
>> On 09/16/15 10:23, Jason Merrill wrote:
>>> On 09/16/2015 08:02 AM, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
>>>> +      else if (warn_multiple_inheritance)
>>>> +    warning (OPT_Wmultiple_inheritance,
>>>> +         "%qT defined with multiple direct bases", ref);
>>> You don't need to guard the warning with a check of the warning
>flag; warning
>>> will only give the warning if the option is enabled.
>> hm, it didn't seem to be doing that.  Perhaps  I'd got something
>wrong ...looking
>Perhaps because you misspelled Warning here?
>+C++ ObjC++ Var(warn_multiple_inheritance) Warninng
>+Warn on direct multiple inheritance
>The awk scripts that parse the .opt files are not as smart as they
>could be.

Ouch, unrecognised keywords there should barf really loud.
Great bug.

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