On September 15, 2015 10:05:27 PM GMT+02:00, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
>On 09/15/2015 01:21 PM, David Malcolm wrote:
>> On Tue, 2015-09-15 at 10:39 -0700, Mike Stump wrote:
>>> On Sep 14, 2015, at 3:37 PM, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Maybe GCC-6 can bump the required
>>>>> dejagnu version to allow for getting rid of all these superfluous
>>>>> load_gcc_lib? *blink* :)
>>>> I'd support that as a direction.
>>>> Certainly dropping the 2001 version from our website in favor of
>>> (which is what I'm using anyway) would be a step forward.
>>> So, even ubuntu LTS is 1.5 now.  No harm in upgrading the website to
>>> 1.5.  I don’t know of any reason to not update and just require 1.5
>>> this point.  I’m not a fan of feature chasing dejagnu, but an update
>>> every 2-4 years isn’t unreasonable.
>> FWIW, I believe RHEL 6 is at dejagnu-1.4.4   I don't know whether or
>> that's an issue here.
>I'd consider it a non-issue.  Folks that want to do GCC development on 
>RHEL 6 are probably few and far between and can probably update dejagnu
>if need be ;-)
>If ubuntu, fedora, debian current releases were stuck at 1.4, then it'd
>be a bigger issue.

Debian sid has 1.5.3 fwiw, so I assume Debian 9 will have that too. Not sure if 
we can get it into Debian 8, I'm not intimately familiar with the policy. If 
OTOH GCC-6 requires it then that's probably a strong argument to let it bubble 
down to Debian 8 if need be.
Widespread other buildsystems should pose no problem, dunno about the big 
non-debian distros in this respect.


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