On 07/28/2011 12:36 PM, Torvald Riegel wrote:
> No, this is correct because it calls the factory function in libitm_i.h.
> However, the classes in method-serial.cc were named differently than
> those factory functions, so I renamed them like this:
> -class serial_dispatch : public abi_dispatch
> +class serialirr_dispatch : public abi_dispatch
> -class serial_dispatch_ul : public abi_dispatch
> +class serial_dispatch : public abi_dispatch
> This should avoid confusion in the future.


>> Don't we need to fini the old disp?  Seems there's a leak here, though
>> not visible until we re-instate the non-serial methods.
> Yes, probably. However, one of the next steps on my refactoring list is
> to document and change the TM method lifecycle callbacks. This will
> include grouping several compatible methods (ie, those that can run
> together) into method sets (e.g., global lock, multiple locks).
> Switching a method within the current method set would then require no
> fini(), whereas switching the method set would require a more
> heavy-weight callback.
> I have put the case you raised on my to-do list, and will revisit it
> when working on these lifecycle management changes.

Sounds good.


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