On 07/28/2011 12:59 AM, H.J. Lu wrote:
>  Regarding correctness: you're converting a SImode operation to DImode by
>  "pushing in" the zero_extend operation.  What makes you think that base +
>  constant offset won't overflow in any case?

You have not answered this.

>  And also: what are you gaining by allowing the wrap around?  I don't need to
>  know what ignore_address_wrap_around does, I need to know _why_ it is
>  necessary.

We have

(zero_extend:DI (plus:SI (FOO:SI) (const_int Y)))

I want to convert it to

(plus:DI (zero_extend:DI (FOO:SI)) (const_int Y))

There is no zero-extend on (const_int Y).  if FOO == 0xfffffffc and Y = 8,

(zero_extend:DI (plus:SI (FOO:SI) (const_int Y)))

gives 0x4 and

(plus:DI (zero_extend:DI (FOO:SI)) (const_int Y))

gives 0x100000004.

This was already clear upthread.

I'm asking what it buys you in real code.

If (plus:SI (FOO:SI) (const_int Y)) won't overflow
or its behavior is implementation-defined,

Behavior of plus:SI is never implementation defined, it is the extension that is done with an UNSPEC. (In fact I'm not even sure the optimization is ok when done with POINTER_EXTEND_UNSIGNED < 0, but I'm not touching that for now).


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