On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 22:10:58 +0200, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:45:29PM +0300, Ilya Verbin wrote:
> > So, as I understood, three tasks will be generated almost simultaneously in
> > foo1: one on host and two on target.
> > Target task 1 will be executed immediately.
> > Host task will wait for task 1 to be completed on target.
> > (Or it is not possible to mix "omp target" and "omp task" dependencies?)
> > And task 2 will wait on target for task 1.
> My understanding is that you don't create any extra tasks,
> but rather you pointer translate the host address from the start of the
> variable (or array section; thus the depend clause argument) into
> target address, and check if it can be offloaded right away (no need
> to wait for dependencies).  If yes, you just offload it, with nowait
> without waiting in the caller till it finishes.  If not, you arrange
> that when some other offloaded job finishes that provides the dependency,
> your scheduled job is executed.
> So, the task on the target is the implicit one, what executes the
> body of the target region.
> In tasking (task.c) dependencies are only honored for sibling tasks,
> whether the different target implicit tasks are sibling is questionable and
> supposedly should be clarified, but I can't imagine they aren't meant to.
> So, you don't really need to care about the task.c dependencies, target.c
> could have its own ones if it is easier to write it that way.
> Supposedly for nowait you want to spawn or queue the job and return right
> away, and for queued job stick it into some data structure (supposedly
> inside of libgomp on the host) that when the library is (asynchronously)
> notified that some offloaded job finished you check the data structures
> and spawn something different.  Or have the data structures on the offloaded
> device instead?
> In any case, I'd look what the Mentor folks are doing for OpenACC async
> offloading, what libmicoffload allows you to do and figure out something
> from that.

One big question is who will maintain the list of scheduled job, its
dependencies, etc. - libgomp or each target plugin?

OpenACC has async queues:
#pragma acc parallel async(2) wait(1)

But it's not possible to have 2 waits like:
#pragma acc parallel async(3) wait(1) wait(2)

(GOMP_OFFLOAD_openacc_async_wait_async has only one argument with the number of
queue to wait)

Thomas, please correct me if I'm wrong.

In this regard, OpenMP is more complicated, since it allows e.g.:
#pragma omp target nowait depend(in: a, b) depend(out: c, d)

Currently I'm trying to figure out what liboffloadmic can do.

BTW, do you plan to remove GOMP_MAP_POINTER mappings from array sections?
The enter/exit patch for libgomp depends on this change.

  -- Ilya

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