On 06/22/15 12:20, Jakub Jelinek wrote:

OpenMP worksharing loop is just coordination between the threads in the
team, which thread takes which subset of the loop's iterations, and
optionally followed by a barrier.  OpenMP simd loop is a loop that has
certain properties guaranteed by the user and can be vectorized.
In contrast to this, OpenACC spawns all the threads/CTAs upfront, and then
idles on some of them until there is work for them.

correct. I expressed my question poorly. What I mean is that in openmp, a loop that is parallelizeable (by user decree, I guess[*]), should not be transformed such that it is not parallelizeable.

This seems to me to be a common requirement of both languages. How one gets parallel threads of execution to the body of the loop is a different question.


[*] For ones where the compiler needs to detect parallizeablilty, it's preferable that it doesn't do something earlier to force serializeablility.

Nathan Sidwell

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