Mikhail Maltsev <malts...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi, all.
> I noticed that defaults.h file contains stub generator functions which
> simply call gcc_unreachable. FWIW, Trevor added them to remove some
> conditional compilation which depends on HAVE_<insn_name> macros (I mean
> something like r223624).
> Because we still have ~80 more such conditions in GCC, and probably some
> of them will be fixed in the same way, I propose a patch, which allows
> to generate required stubs in genflags.


> +/* Structure which holds data, required for generating stub gen_* function.  
> */

No comma after "data"

> +/* These instructions require default stub function.  Stubs are never called.

"require a default"

> +/* Helper traits for using null-terminated strings as keys in hash map.
> +   FIXME: Unify various "string hashers" and move them to hash-map-traits.h. 
>  */
> +struct gflg_string_hasher : default_hashmap_traits
> +{
> +  typedef const char *value_type;
> +  typedef const char *compare_type;
> +
> +  static inline hashval_t hash (const char *s)
> +  {
> +    return htab_hash_string (s);
> +  }
> +
> +  static inline bool equal_keys (const char *p1, const char *p2)
> +  {
> +    return strcmp (p1, p2) == 0;
> +  }
> +};
> +
> +/* Mapping from insn name to corresponding stub_info_t entry.  */
> +static hash_map<const char *, stub_info_t *, gflg_string_hasher>
> +    stubs_map (ARRAY_SIZE (stubs), false, false);

Seems like this is more naturally a hash_table rather than a hash_map.
I think there's also a preference to avoid static constructor-based

There again, this is a generator, so those kinds of concerns aren't
particularly important.  If we do keep the above though, I think we
should put the hasher in hash-map-table.h now.  Otherwise these FIXMEs
are just going to accumulate, and each time makes it less likely that
any consolidation will actually happen.


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