On Tue, 19 May 2015, H.J. Lu wrote:

> > I think the whole thing should be posted as one patch, with both the
> > target-independent changes and the target-specific changes for all
> > targets.
> >
> That is what makes me concerned.  I have some simple target-specified
> patches which weren't reviewed for years. What will happen if no one

For any unreviewed patch, keep pinging weekly.

> reviews some simple target-specified changes due to
> 1. Reviewers don't have access to those targets.
> 2. Target maintainers aren't review them.
> 3. There are no clear maintainers for those targets.

I've already said in 
<https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2015-05/msg00593.html> that, given 
target maintainers CC:ed, I might be inclined to approve the patch on the 
basis of allowing them a week to test their target changes.

Joseph S. Myers

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