>> The change may be small enough that an assignment isn't needed.
>> We (ie, the gfortran developers) will need to check.
> I think that’s small enough, compared to what we’ve accepted as such in the 
> past.
> If not, a disclaimer by Russell putting his change in the public domain would 
> also be a quick way: https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal

Let me know either way.

> Regarding the patch itself, it seems OK. (I first wondered if the strcmp() is 
> necessary, but it appears module strings at this point are not GCC 
> identifiers, but normal strings.)

That was my understanding.  At any rate, I based the logic on the
existing check for unused equivalences.

> Russell, you said “tested on x86_64-linux”. Could you explicitly confirm that 
> you have bootstrapped it and regression-tested the full gfortran testsuite ?

Yes, as long as `make check-fortran` is the full gfortran testsuite.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:08 AM, FX <fxcoud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The change may be small enough that an assignment isn't needed.
>> We (ie, the gfortran developers) will need to check.
> I think that’s small enough, compared to what we’ve accepted as such in the 
> past.
> If not, a disclaimer by Russell putting his change in the public domain would 
> also be a quick way: https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal
>> Having an assignment will help when you submit additional patches. :-)
> Indeed!
> Regarding the patch itself, it seems OK. (I first wondered if the strcmp() is 
> necessary, but it appears module strings at this point are not GCC 
> identifiers, but normal strings.)
> Russell, you said “tested on x86_64-linux”. Could you explicitly confirm that 
> you have bootstrapped it and regression-tested the full gfortran testsuite ?
> Cheers,
> FX

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