Le 15 juil. 2011 à 18:17, Pierre Vittet a écrit :

> Hello,
> The following patch add support for PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE callback.
> The add_sysdata_pre_genericize patch add a field (sysdata_pre_genericize) in 
> initial system data, allowing to register a closure to be called on 
> PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE event. This patch must be first applied and a make 
> warmelt-upgrade must be run in order to regenerate generated melt files.
> The add_pre_genericize_hook patch add a function (in melt-runtime.c) to be 
> called on PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE, which call the closure 
> sysdata_pre_genericize defined by the users.
> Thanks
> Pierre Vittet
> <add_sysdata_pre_genericize-176032.ChangeLog><add_sysdata_pre_genericize-176032.diff><add_pre_genericize_hook-176032.ChangeLog><add_pre_genericize_hook-176032.ChangeLog~>

Great !

You forgot to attach the patch for melt-runtime.c (there is only the changelog)

I know your performing some simple static analysis, mostly based on matching 
some c source code patterns (check that there is a if (fopen_result) just after 
a fopen.

Is there a particular reason to do that as a pass (so at the gimple level) 
rather that doing it just after the function has been parsed (eg upon 

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