When cross-testing, the -DITERATIONS=1000 flag replaced the -pthread required for linux targets, so the test failed to build. I've pushed the following test fix as r221666:

Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/pthread33394.cc
--- libstdc++-v3/testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/pthread33394.cc (revision 221665) +++ libstdc++-v3/testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/pthread33394.cc (working copy)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
// { dg-do run { target *-*-freebsd* *-*-dragonfly* *-*-netbsd* *-*-linux* *-*-gnu* *-*-solaris* *-*-cygwin *-*-darwin* } } // { dg-options "-pthread" { target *-*-freebsd* *-*-dragonfly* *-*-netbsd* *-*-linux* *-*-gnu* *-*-solaris* } }

-// { dg-options "-DITERATIONS=1000" { target simulator } }
+// { dg-additional-options "-DITERATIONS=1000" { target simulator } }
 #define ITERATIONS 50000

Jonathan Wakely wrote:
Adding a testcase so the bug can be closed.

I believe the segfault was fixed for 3.4.0 by

Tested x86_64-linux, committed to trunk.

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